Sunday, November 13, 2016

Handheld Jump Boxes

With my Cadillac, its pretty easy to run the battery down, lots of interior lights, leaving the key on trying to hunt down electric problems, etc. I always keep one of these little hand held jump boxes charged and near the car so I can jump start it if I need to. This weekend, we went to see one of my cousin's graduate from Ranger School. He had left his car on base without seeing it for over two months and asked me to bring jumper cables. We got to the car, battery was dead, dead, dead. Not even interior lights. The little hand held jump box is a lot more convenient than jumper cables, I told him we would try that first. His Subaru rolled over slowly, but started. I am just amazed by these little boxes. You just wouldn't think because of the size, that they would be able to start a car, but they do. If you don't have one, and you are car guy, you need to get one. Lots of different ones out there, but this is a picture of mine:

And it will charge your phone over and over again, and theres a flashlight.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Windshield Wipers

Buying Windshield wipers makes me crazy, because a lot of the time, I get them home and they don't fit. These do fit my 1977 Cadillac and seem decently built:

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Parts Guide

A president of a company, that I have done work for, would say "There are three sources of knowledge:"

* Golf
* Saturday Night Live
* The shop manual for your car

I would include the Parts Guide:


I have been getting good results just pasting the GM part number into Amazon. This one made me happy. The relay for the Guidematic.

Amazon rocks!